Shay A. Shay A.

Post Election Blue’s

As I scroll through a timeline of convoluted sentiments around this inauguration I’m reminded that we have work to do.

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Shay A. Shay A.

Through the Looking Glass: Parenting in a Pandemic

Now that we’re coming down off the Mother’s Day high I’m being hit with the reality that we’re all still in purgatory and it’s not getting easier. I’ve decided to throw away much of what I thought I knew and operate from where I am currently. Here’s what I’ve come up with thus far.

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Shay A. Shay A.

I’m A Writer Who Has To Force Myself To Write

Yup. It’s true. I am a published author. I am currently working on a novel, three plays, three children’s books, a book of short stories, a book of poetry, and an anthology. I am passionate about writing and still I have to make myself do it.

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Shay A. Shay A.

Counting Chickens

Two weeks ago, I thought the toughest part of writing a book would be finishing it. It’s so easy to start. Any little thing can trigger inspiration and over time the story begins to unfold. But how does it end? When does it end?

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